Understanding CP 90 and CP 91 Letters from the IRS: What They Mean for You in 2024

In 2024, the IRS remains vigilant in enforcing tax laws, and one way it does so is by issuing CP 90 and CP 91 letters. If you find one of these in your mailbox, it can be quite unsettling, but knowing what they mean and how to respond can make all the difference. Advanced Tax Solutions is here to help you navigate these challenging situations and protect your financial well-being.

What Are CP 90 and CP 91 Letters?
The CP 90 and CP 91 letters are formal notices from the IRS indicating that you have an outstanding tax debt, and the IRS intends to take action to collect it. Here’s what each letter involves:
  • CP 90 Letter (Intent to Seize Your Assets and Notice of Your Right to a Hearing):  This letter informs you that the IRS plans to levy your assets—such as bank accounts, wages, or other property—to cover your tax debt. It also lets you know that you have the right to request a Collection Due Process (CDP) hearing, where you can contest the levy or propose alternative solutions, like an installment agreement.
  • CP 91 Letter (Final Notice Before Levy on Social Security Benefits): If you receive a CP 91 letter, the IRS is warning you that it intends to levy up to 15% of your Social Security benefits to cover your unpaid taxes.  This letter usually follows unsuccessful attempts to resolve the debt. Like the CP 90 letter, it also offers the opportunity to request a CDP hearing.

What Should You Do If You Receive a CP 90 or CP 91 Letter?
Getting a CP 90 or CP 91 letter is a serious matter that requires immediate attention. Here’s what you should do:
  1. Review the Letter Carefully: Understand the specifics of your tax debt, including the amount owed and the deadlines for action. The letter will also outline your rights and options for responding.
  2. Respond Promptly: You typically have 30 days from the date on the letter to request a CDP hearing or pay the debt in full to avoid a levy. Time is crucial in these situations.
  3. Seek Professional Assistance: Dealing with the IRS can be overwhelming, especially when facing potential asset seizures. This is where Advanced Tax Solutions can assist you.

How Advanced Tax Solutions Can Help
At Advanced Tax Solutions, we specialize in tax resolution services, including assistance with CP 90 and CP 91 letters. Here’s how we can support you:
  • Expert Analysis: We will thoroughly review your tax situation, the IRS notice, and any supporting documentation to understand your specific case.
  • CDP Hearing Representation: If you choose to request a Collection Due Process hearing, our experienced team can represent you, helping you present your case effectively and explore options such as installment agreements or offers in compromise.
  • Negotiation with the IRS: Our team will communicate directly with the IRS on your behalf, working to negotiate terms that are manageable for you while protecting your assets from seizure.
  • Uncollectable Status: If you're facing financial difficulties that make it impossible to settle your debt, we can assist you in applying for "Currently Not Collectible" (CNC) status. This designation temporarily stops collection actions, including levies or garnishments, giving you relief until your financial situation improves.
  • Ongoing Support: Even after the immediate issue is resolved, we provide ongoing support to help you remain compliant with tax laws and avoid future IRS actions.
Why Choose ATS?
Dealing with the IRS can be daunting, especially when facing potential asset seizures or levies on Social Security benefits. Advanced Tax Solutions is committed to providing personalized, expert support to help you navigate these challenges. Our deep knowledge of tax laws, proactive approach, and dedication to our clients set us apart.
Act Now
If you’ve received a CP 90 or CP 91 letter from the IRS, don’t wait. The sooner you address the issue, the better your chances of protecting your assets and reaching a favorable resolution. Contact Advanced Tax Solutions today to learn more about how we can help you manage this process and secure your financial future.
Remember, when it comes to tax compliance and IRS notices, taking prompt, informed action is key. Let ATS guide you through the complexities of responding to a CP 90 or CP 91 letter.

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