COVID-19 Updates


Crisis Management Loans and Grants (free money from the Government)


There are two programs that could really help your business under the CARE Act that recently became law.

One program is a low interest loan that also provides a $10,000 emergency grant that does not require repayment.

The other program is a loan that if used on expenses like Payroll, Rent and necessary business operating expenses as outlined in the act, the loan does not require repayment.   Any amount that does require repayment is set as a fix low interest loan.

These programs are designed to help you survive these difficult times.  

We can help you get this money.

Contact us for more information.


Advanced Tax Solutions Safety Measures

Your healthy & safety is important to us. We are taking proper precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and keep our office as germ free as possible. Below are some courses of action we have taken:

  • Provide hand sanitizer at the reception desk
  • Air purifiers with Virus Killers in waiting area as well as conference room.
  • Can wait in car until meeting rather than lobby, we will text.
  • Conference rooms sanitized after each visit
  • We have a portal for safely downloading personal data and worksheets (safe as in privacy). Much safer than email.
  • Now offering virtual meetings, either web/video based or on phone.

We are encouraging those that are ill to reschedule.